As we head into the New Year full of resolutions, goals, determination to increase our writing output, or to improve our writing, I thought these online sites might provide some motivation.
I’m copying this first one from daughter, Vikki's blog Through the Looking Glass as it deserves as wide a readership as possible and Vikki's own blog posts are usually worth reading! I love the concept behind the Writing Our Way Home site, as it has the subtitle ‘engage with the world through mindful writing’ – the Mindful Writing Challenge for January is an excellent idea
Kirsten Lamb is well known in cyberspace as she has a very down to earth blog about the whole writing and publishing world – worth checking out her posts now and then.
I enjoy Jeff Goins motivational posts and he’s very tuned into other writers, offering inspirational and encouragement. I like his recent one on ‘why you shouldn’t bother with resolutions this year’.
Writers Helping Writers is the excellent blog that used to be know as the Bookshelf Muse – Angela and Becca brought out the superb Emotion Thesaurus and have added other titles to help writers find the write expressions or traits and such like for their characters.
Hope you find something useful in these sites to help inspire creativity this month.
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