Monday, July 8, 2013

Links for Twitter Tips

Since Twitter has now been around for a long time and doesn't seem to be going away, many more writers are discovering its use for social networking. I have to confess that, although I've been on Twitter for ages and have a reasonably large following on it, I don't use it nearly as much as some writers.

Like all social networking and Internet distractions, keeping up with Twitter eats into work time yet is an often valuable tool. I only access it from my computer (no Internet access on phone) and it can seem overwhelming at times. But I've met some lovely people there and it's a great place to hear what's happening in the writing world, if you can ignore the amount of self-promotion some writers do.

If anyone wants to dive in and have a go, you might like to follow some of the links on the Bookbaby Blog and tips on Indie Author News first.

The best idea is to sign up and see what it's all about. You'll never keep up with everyone but lots of interesting information, competitions and publishing news wings its way around Twitter. Something every blogger could do right away (without being on the sites yourself) is to add the social networking button to your blog (includes Facebook, twitter etc in a row). This allows others to tweet and FB your blog post straight from the page.

Good luck! My Twitter handle is @rosemarygemmell if you want to find me there.



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