For anyone writing romance of any kind, you might find the following two new digital imprints of interest, both from mainstream print companies - and one is running a competition.
This seems to be the trend now - bigger publishers bringing out a digital-first imprint. I was speaking at a fairly large group through in Edinburgh on Monday evening and asked who used an e-reader of some kind. Must admit I was slightly surprised, and delighted, to find only about about three people
didn't use one now. Even if many of us still love to read a print book at times, there's no denying ebooks are hugely popular - and that is good news for writers!
Pulse (part of Myrmidon) Submissions and CompetitionPulse is looking for action drama romance in novel or novella length. They are running a competition at the moment which closes on 31st May 2013. Full details on the
Pulse website.
Harper ImpulseThis is the new digital-first imprint from the large Harper Collins company. They want 'romance fiction for today's woman' in all romance genres. Their
blog gives some details but, interestingly, they broke this news on
Facebook, where you'll find more details.
Good luck if you enter or submit!
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