Monday, January 7, 2013

Jean's Holiday Blog Party

I was full of good intentions about getting organised this morning, planning to focus again on the contemporary novel that got so far on during NaNo, but for some reason (lack of sleep, too much chocolate) my brain refuses to engage. I've also been sorting out the hundreds of photos on my computer so I can find what I need at any given time and I can't seem to move on until that's completed.

So, instead of stressing out about it, I'm going with the flow until I'm back to my slightly healthier routine. I've been finishing a couple of entries to post for the annual Scottish writing conference I attend each year. Since I'm not an adjudicator this year, I'm trying some different types of writing for a few of the competitions and the deadline is looming! I also just discovered that I was shortlisted in the Writing Magazine 1000 word story competition when I opened the new issue, so that was a lovely new year surprise.

Meanwhile, I like the idea behind Jean Bull's blog posts this week. Jean is promoting her book of short stories, Postcards and Suntan Cream, which should get everyone into holiday mode! To take part, with a chance to win a copy of Jean's book, you just need to leave a comment on Jean's blog this week and post a photo of your favourite holiday destination with a link back to Jean.

I always choose Venice as my favourite place (which it is) but as a change, I'm choosing Vienna. I've been there only for one week and would love to visit again. From the gracious buildings, cafes, fiakers (horse drawn carriages) to the Lipizzaner horses at the Spanish Riding school, it's a magnificent city and we found the people very friendly. Having trouble posting a photo so far but will try again soon.

So if you'd like to take part in Jean's Holiday Party, you can read her first post about the story settings here.



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