Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Spellbinding Party Invitation

Something different for this week’s Author Spotlight! I’m delighted to give some blog space to lovely writing colleague and humorous novelist, Janice Horton, whose Scottish-based novels always make me smile. Here is a personal invitation to Janice’s fun party to launch her new novella, How Do You Voodoo?, on kindle in time for Halloween. I’m taking part in the spellbinding fun on Friday (which appropriately enough is my birthday!) – So do drop in here and see what kind of light-hearted spell I cook up that day, and please visit Janice's blog and sign up if you want to join in the fun.

A personal invitation to Janice’s Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party!

Janice says: After all the research in spooky graveyards and having lots of fun doing the writing - my romantic and humorous Halloween novella for Kindle, ‘How Do You Voodoo?’ - is now ready to launch!

To celebrate I’m hosting The Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party
on Friday 26th October and you are all invited!

‘How Do You Voodoo?’ is the story of loveless fashion model Nola Nichols, who thinks being beautiful is a curse; that is until she is cursed and her looks begin to fade just a week before the most important photo shoot of her career.

Nola rejects all rational explanation on what might be causing her lost looks and decides she has to find a way to get uncursed. This imaginative quest takes her from the Caribbean to Glasgow’s own City of the Dead. Along the way, she finds herself taking part in a rather unconventional funeral, involved in a voodoo ritual, reveals one or two unrests in her own past and falls madly in love with a doctor. Erm, that would be a witch doctor, right…?

Well, what’s it all about - I hear you ask?

First, check out my blog party page to sign up and to pick out the magic ingredients you’ll need for casting the spell of your own choice – only spellbindingly fun ones allowed – absolutely no curses!

Then, on Friday 26th October YOU post or schedule on YOUR OWN BLOG your Spellbindingly Fun Spell and, if you want to, a photo or picture of the object of your desire, so that everyone participating in the Spellbindingly Fun Blog Party can pop over to your blog to see what it is!

That's because...

On Friday 26th October I will post my own Spellbindingly Fun Spell on my blog together with a full list of all the blog links of those participating – that’s why you need to sign up – so c’mon – why wait – get signed up now. I promise fun and prizes! To follow the party on Twitter please use the hashtag #voodoo

Find out more about Janice Horton and her novels:

Author Blog
Follow her on Twitter: @JaniceHorton
Like her Author Facebook Page
Featured Author & Associate Editor at: Loveahappyending
Link to her ebooks on Amazon UK
Link to her ebooks on Amazon US


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