Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Pleasure of Guest Posts

As regular readers of this blog will know, I enjoy hosting guest authors on most Thursdays, although I had a short break over Easter. But look out for another batch of great authors from tomorrow. The pleasure is two-fold. I get to interview some interesting writers and find out about their new books, while perhaps introducing them to a new audience.

I also enjoy being interviewed myself and with a new tween book out, several people invited me to guest on their blogs over the next few weeks. I decided not to do an actual 'blog tour', as I'm too lazy to race about all over the Internet in one week, so it's spread out a bit!

So today, I am very pleased to be interviewed on Pat McDermot's lovely blog, Across the Plain of Shining Books - isn't that a great title (you can see where it's from on her blog). I'd be delighted if anyone has time to pop over and say hello.



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