Thursday, September 1, 2011

Introducing New Children's Blog

Well, I've finally finished creating my new blog celebrating children's writing of all ages, 'Flights of Imagination'. I could go on for ever tweaking it and changing colours and so on, but it's the first day of a new month and time to get it live! I've started it partly because my tween novel will be under Ros Gemmell, and since I already have a separate history blog for the Romy name, it seemed like a good idea - at the time. That remains to be seen, but I still like the idea of a blog dedicated to children's writing, from picture books to Young Adult.

So, to get us all in touch with our inner child, I thought this reminder of the wonderful Christmas Annuals from the early 1990s might help. My favourite weekly comic was Bunty, but I loved all the other annuals like Mandy and Judy. The photo shows a selection of those I still have on my shelves, which I think must have belonged to my daughter (!) The Dandy must have sneaked into my pile from my son, as he'd probably be reading them in the 90s. Obviously I was a bit old by then to be reading these. Who am I kidding, I still love looking through them.

So if you like children's books and want to follow my new blog, I'll be delighted to see you there at Flights of Imagination.



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