Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Writing Scotland

A little reminder that the closing date for submissions to New Writing Scotland must be in by 30 September 2010. This is a prestigious publication which accepts all forms of writing: autobiography and memoir; drama; poetry; political and cultural commentary; short fiction; travel writing. No full-length plays or novels, but they will accept self-contained extracts. Maximum length preferred is 3,500 words. Their 'Invitation to Authors' states that writers must be resident in Scotland, or Scots by birth, upbringing or inclination!

The usual layout is required: double spacing, one side of A4 sheets and secured at top left corner. No name on manuscript - provide a covering letter with all details. Enclose a SAE if you want it returned, if unsuccessful.

Post entries to: New Writing Scotland, ASLS, 7 University Gardens, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QH. No email submissions.

Good luck,


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