Well, it has happened at last - I've had my first book accepted! My Regency novel, Dangerous Deceit, is being published by the Canadian company, Champagne Books. I'm absolutely thrilled as this was my very first novel and I've been trying to find the right publisher for years. But not as diligently as I might have been, since I'm also writing contemporary women's fiction and children's novels, in addition to short stories and articles. Now, however, I'm keen to write more historical romance and perhaps build a different personna (and eventually blog) for that type of writing. The company has already expressed their hope that we'll have a long and happy relationship. And I do too!
So, interesting question: do I spread myself around too much, or is it beneficial to have a finger in so many pies? I guess it depends on the writer's nature. I need the variety to stop me being bored, and because I love writing in very different areas. However, maybe novel success comes a little quicker if a writer concentrates on one book at a time and puts everything into selling it.
I don't have answers, as we are all different. But, already, this first novel success has made me want to develop the longer fiction so that another novel might be taken by a UK mainstream publisher. I guess every bit of success is encouragement to keep going!
I'll post the cover art, and more details, once they're available.
Meantime, I'm coming back down to earth.
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