Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Opportunities at Bridge House Publishing

Bridge House is a fairly new independent small publishing company which is specialising in good quality story anthologies. From children's stories, to teenage fiction, to adult short stories, there is an anthology collection to suit all kinds of fiction writers.

Gill James, the owner and editor, is very approachable and is particularly encouraging to new writers. Most of the anthologies contain a good mixture of professional writers and those at the beginning of their career. Gill is, however, very strict about the method of submission, which should be made by email. Her full instructions are on the Bridge House website.

One of their new ventures is the publication later this year of their first anthology for a charitable organisation. This will be a collection of animal stories for the Born Free Foundation, with a foreword by Virginia McKenna and a new story by Richard Adams. Unfortunately, it is now closed for submmissions but will be worth reading.

I'd suggest this is a good time to become involved with the company as the profile will most likely be raised considerably with the 'Born Free' publication.

For anyone writing short stories of any kind, and who hasn't yet been published, you could do worse than try submitting a story to Bridge House. Royalties are paid to all authors and the books are usually available from Amazon, WHSmith online and Waterstone's online.

I've had good feedback from the readers who have read the three children's anthologies my stories are in - so why not give Bridge House a try.

Good luck!


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